Browsing articles in "NPS"

NPS – Net Promoter Score

sep 26, 2012   //   by Clementz   //   Kundlojalitet, Kundnöjdhet, NPS, Nyheter  //  No Comments

Vi trillade över en intressant artikel som SEB’s NPS – Net Promoter Score ansvarig länkade ut nyligen.

Framförallt sista stycket är läsvärt

”In our new book, Outside In, my co-author Kerry Bodine and I profile companies that excel at various aspects of customer experience. Those that are great at using Net Promoter Score use it as part of an overall system – whether they pair it with their own custom mix of perception and outcome metrics or adopt the extended Net Promoter system that grew out of the original NPS research. Regardless of the details of their approach, they don’t use “the one number” as their only number (a classic trap for marketing managers), nor do they go down the rat hole of debating the nuances of NPS math (a classic trap for customer intelligence managers).”

Det vill säga, att mäta ambassadörsskap är en av flera viktiga parametrar för att ha en välkonstruerad kunduppföljningsmetodik.